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Modus POS is excited to announce partnership with Samsung in professional displays, digital signage solutions and solid state drives (SSD) for point of sale systems. For over 70 years, Samsung has been dedicated to making a better world through diverse businesses that today span advanced technology, semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemicals, fashion, medicine, finance, hotels, and more. Their flagship company, Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in high-tech electronics manufacturing and digital media.
We are excited to introduce the latest addition to our family of products, Modus RPT.
Modus RPT is a revolutionary product that combines the reliability, stability and privacy of the locally hosted Point of Sale System with the mobility and flexibility of the cloud reporting. By leveraging traditional retail point of sale solutions, Modus RPT is able to provide real time business data on the dedicated website reporting portal or RPT Portal.
Crave Astoria, full and quick service Greek restaurant located in Astoria, Queens NY, required an upgrade of their Point of Sale System after undergoing extensive renovations.
Modus POS has been tasked with setting up Aldelo Pro for Restaurants and integrating Aldelo EDC Credit Card Processing module and CallerID on a brand new POSBANK Apexa G true flat touch screen terminals.
Hee Korean BBQ Grill, a full service Korean barbecue restaurant located in Chelsea, Manhattan NY, required an emergency installation on a Sunday of the Point of Sale System to replace their existing malfunctioning POS System Terminal and Printer.
Evergreen, a convenience store and vape and tobacco shop in Farmingdale, Nassau County, Long Island NY required a Point of Sale System for their grand opening.
Evergreen has chosen Modus POS to assist in achieving higher efficiency by utilizing pcAmerica Cash Register Express, POSBANK Apexa G All In One POS System, Epson Receipt Printer and Honeywell Quantum Bar Code Scanner
Credit card processing companies along with the information technology industry begin migration to SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm) or TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security). This move is mandatory, as it creates a more secure IT infrastructure. For retail and restaurant business owners using a POS System, this means that their POS Systems need to be updated to comply with SHA-256/TLS. Otherwise merchants risk no being able to accept credit cards through their Point of Sale.
Misirizzi Italian Restaurant, a full service Italian restaurant located in Lower East Side, Manhattan NY, required a new Point of Sale System to speed up customer processing, order taking, and kitchen management after undergoing renovations.
Misirizzi, has chosen Modus POS to help them achieve higher efficiency by utilizing Aldelo for Restaurants, Aures Yuno POS, Epson Receit Printers, POS-X Touch Screen Monitor and Whooz Calling Caller ID Module.