Recent events surrounding point of sale (POS) system breaches in Target and Neiman Marcus showed how valuable regular magnetic stripe credit cards are to various breaches. In case of Target, malicious software has been installed that captured credit card information at the point of the swipe and PIN-entry. How the software has been installed on the network is still under investigation. However, one thing is clear; more security is needed at the point of the swipe to protect both customers and merchants from such fraudulent activity.
In her recent article Kristen Santoro lists 7 steps to define neighborhood marketing by Jon Taffer, president of Nightclub & Bar Media Group and Host & Executive Producer of Spike TV’s “Bar Rescue”. You can find the full article here. Some of the steps listed there could be accomplished with the help of the properly configured point of sale system. For example, a properly configured POS can help business owners analyze data much faster and more efficient through reporting.